Integrated Urban Development Project for Medium-Sized Cities – Consulting services for analysis and assessment of urban development financing and inter-budgetary relations in Uzbekistan.

Completion date

December 2021 - June 2023


IFT / IBRD / AARC Uzbekistan

Role in the project



Andijan region, Bukhara region, Jizzakh region, Kashkadarya region, Navoi region, Namangan region, Samarkand region, Surkhandarya region, Syrdarya region, Tashkent region, Fergana region, Khorezm region, Republic of Karakalpakstan

The $100 million program aims to support the Government of Uzbekistan in improving:

  • (a) improve selected urban infrastructure, public spaces and assets, and access to services in participating cities;
  • (b) strengthen the institutional capacity of relevant Borrower institutions to build and manage local infrastructure.

The firm carries out the following activities:

  • Providing data and analysis of expenditure on urban infrastructure, service delivery and management (“urban expenditure”) and the revenues that finance these expenditures;
  • Analyzing existing intergovernmental financial mechanisms related to city functions and expenditures;
  • Assessing the adequacy and suitability of these mechanisms to promote the efficient and equitable development of urban infrastructure, services and management;
  • Providing advice on strengthening urban finance and financial mechanisms, as well as the intergovernmental fiscal system within the broad parameters of the institutional system responsible for urban development and management as it currently evolves;
  • Recommendation for the implementation of a roadmap for improving local government participation in project selection and budgeting, based on international expertise;

The study has two main objectives:

  • Providing an analytical basis for justifying government policy, legislative and institutional efforts Uzbekistan on strengthening and reforming the inter-budget system;
  • Providing information and analytical materials for the development of the second stage of the “Medium Cities” program.