Field research on mass census and telemetry in Suvtaminot National Package

Completion date

July 2023 - October 2023


Uzsuvtaminot JSC

Role in the project



Surkhandarya region, Khorezm region, Republic of Karakalpakstan

Municipal water supply and sanitation services in Uzbekistan are provided through the Uzsuvtaminot Joint Stock Company (UJAO) and its 17 provincial water utilities, known as suvtaminots. Together, the suvtaminots serve about 22.3 million people out of Uzbekistan’s population of 34.9 million. The total length of water pipes and networks is reported to be 75,332 km, including 15,606 km of trunk pipelines. The length of existing interregional transmission lines is about 2,000 km. The combined design capacity of water supply facilities is 13.38 million m3/day, with an effective daily capacity of 7.73 million m3/day and an average daily flow of 5.96 million m3/day. Therefore, the objectives of Package 1 are to conduct individual field reconnaissance surveys of existing and proposed suvtaminot flow metering sites in the Khorezm and Surkhandarya regions and the Autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan. Accordingly, the services required under this RFP for Package 1 include the completion of a field reconnaissance survey of approximately 1,223 proposed metering sites for smaller diameter pipelines (20 to 250 mm) and 1,000 existing metering sites, representing an estimated total of 2,223 metering sites. This will require on-site visits by personnel to each proposed or existing metering site to confirm locations and provide basic technical data for each metering site. The information for each metering site will be collected electronically using a mobile tablet application and uploaded to a centralized data management center.

Brief description of services:

  • Ensuring that team members are fully familiar and trained in conducting field reconnaissance research, electronic data collection, storage and transmission processes;
  • Acquisition of necessary mobile applications for tablets required to conduct field research. Ensuring their integration with the electronic database system designed and implemented by the international consultant;
  • Ensuring that all field survey operations comply with health and safety requirements and other relevant regulations;
  • Providing and funding all logistics necessary to complete the survey;
  • Ensuring that appropriate suvtaminot staff accompany survey teams and are physically present at proposed and existing enumeration sites during individual surveys to provide information;
  • Conducting the survey in coordination with the involved suvtaminot staff;
  • Determining the information to be collected at each type of enumeration location, including but not limited to the various data points;
  • Reviewing each completed electronic survey form in collaboration with Suvtaminot staff. Checking that each form is completed correctly and sending it electronically to the international consultant. Ensuring that each survey form is signed as confirmation of its accuracy and completeness;
  • Submitting monthly progress reports outlining the activities completed during the previous month, any technical, administrative or other problems encountered and providing recommendations for resolving them.