Clean Energy for Buildings in Uzbekistan

Completion date

October 2023 - December 2028


Extra-budgetary inter-sectoral fund for energy conservation under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Role in the project



Andijan region, Bukhara region, Jizzakh region, Kashkadarya region, Navoi region, Namangan region, Samarkand region, Surkhandarya region, Syrdarya region, Tashkent region, Fergana region, Khorezm region, Republic of Karakalpakstan

The Republic of Uzbekistan received a loan of US$143 million from the International Development Association (World Bank Group) to finance activities under the Clean Energy for Buildings in Uzbekistan (CEBU) project. The objective of the project is to improve the energy efficiency of public buildings and improve the regulatory framework for investments in clean energy in the construction sector. The Ministry of Energy (MoE) is the government agency responsible for implementing the project. The implementing agency is the Extra-budgetary Intersectoral Fund for Energy Saving (Fund) of the Ministry of Energy. Brief Description of Services:

  • Review and amend the POM to reflect international experience and local circumstances in Uzbekistan;
  • Revise the Annual Work Plan, ESCP and ESMF, and the Procurement Plan to adjust the activities and implementation timeline and submit them to the PSC and the World Bank;
  • Prepare the necessary documents and templates for the entire project cycle;
  • Establish or review the accounting system in CEBU, including fund disbursement, payments, reporting, audit activities;
  • Establish a monitoring and evaluation system in CEBU;
  • Engage a verification agent as specified in the project documentation;
  • Identify and develop a list of eligible sub-projects based on proposals from line ministries, provide recommendations to line ministries on proposal preparation;
  • Conduct an assessment of selected energy efficiency sub-projects eligible for financing;
  • Conduct procurement for energy efficiency investments in the selected buildings following the procedures specified and outlined in the POM;
  • Prepare technical specifications for consultants as provided in the Procurement Plan;
  • Hire consultants using the procedures specified in the Procurement Plan and project documents;
  • Accept deliverables and pay consultants as per the procedures agreed in the project documents;
  • Prepare a public awareness plan for the duration of the CEBU Conference;
  • Organize annual Sustainable Energy Week activities;
  • Prepare a capacity building plan for the duration of the work in CEBU;
  • Train and equip the PMU staff with knowledge related to the implementation of the project.