Dadaxonov Ibodillokhon

Construction Engineer / Safety and Labor Protection Engineer

Education: 1990-1995, Tashkent Institute of Road Transport, Master’s degree, Civil Engineer, Bridges and Transportation Tunnels

Ibodillokhon Dadaxonov is a construction engineer with 30 years of overall experience, including 15 years of professional experience in implementing projects funded by international financial institutions (IFIs) such as the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank, Saudi Fund for Development, OPEC Fund, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and others. He holds an engineering degree and has undergone training in the Federal Republic of Germany. His extensive experience, strong skills in project management, planning, and organization, leadership qualities, and ability to work in a team allow him to objectively assess situations and provide technical-engineering solutions during project implementation.

Work Experience

2021-2023, International Strategic Center in Food and Agriculture (ISCAD), Construction Engineer, Project Implementation Group for "Modernization of Agriculture in the Republic of Uzbekistan" with the World Bank, Project Implementation Group for "Development of Value Chain Infrastructure in the Fruit and Vegetable Sector" with the Asian Development Bank.

2017-2022, Engineering Company "Qishloq Qurilish Invest", Construction Engineer for Access Roads and Internal Roads of the IBRD and SFR funded project "Construction of Modern Rural Housing".

2011-2015, Unified Customer Service under the Khokimiyat of Namangan Region, Category 1 Specialist / Technical Auditor, projects funded by international financial institutions (IFIs) such as the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank.